Experience our unique hiking route outside of hiking trails in rugged and breathtaking Käsivarsi wilderness area!


This hike duration is 7 days (6 nights). The length of the route is about 100 kilometers.

Schedule is 28.7 - 3.8.2023.

We will start hike from Kilpisjärvi Visitor center at 9 am on 28th July. We highly recommend you to arrive to Kilpisjärvi on night before the hike.

This experience is planned for the hikers that have already hiking experiences on marked trails, but are eager to experience enchanting nature outside of the trails. We will have hiking on rocky surface, crossing the rivers and hiking long ascents to the top of the cliffs. Preliminary schedule is below and it is flexible enough to consider changing weather, circumstances etc.

We will sleep mostly in tents close to wilderness huts. One night we will stay in wilderness hut that is booked for our group

Join us to this unique hike in enchanting wilderness are - this is a hike that everyone loving the rugged hills and cliffs should join!


We will start hike from Kilpisjärvi Visitor center at 9 am on 28th July. Our route will be Kilpisjärvi Visitor center - Termisvaara wilderness hut - Jollanmalla.

We will stay in our own place close to rugged fells. On the evening we will hike on top of the Jollanoaivi to have a breathtaking view to Termislaakso valley.

Day hiking length is 14 - 17 kms.

On our second day we will hike from Jollanmalla to Meekonlaakso between the rugged cliffs.

On our route, we will pass Kutturakuru gorge and spend some time admiring the beauty of it.

Day hike length is between 10 and 18 kilometers.

Third day is planned to be basecamp day. We will hike on top of the Saivaara fell and Meekonpahta cliff. In total we will hike 8 - 16 kilometers.

We have booked Meekonjärvi wilderness hut for our group, so you can spend a night in the hut instead of tents.

Day 4 hike goes from Meekonlaakso via Urtaslaakso valley to Lossujärvi.

We will stay overnight at Lossujärvi or nearby surrondings. Our day hike will be 14 - 18 kilometers.

We will hike on top of the Urtasvaara hill on the evening to see the beauty of surrounding scenery.

This day we will hike from Lossujärvi via Urtaspahta to Kuonjarjoki.

We will stay overnight in Kuonjarjoki or if needed earlier close to small stream before the planned destination.

Day hike length is 10 - 20 kilometers.

Day six we will hike from Kuonjarjoki to Saanajärvi. We will stay overnight between Saana and Jehkas fells.

Day hike length varies from 9 to 19 kilometers depending on the conditions.

On our last hiking day, we will hike back to the starting point, Kilpisjärvi visitor center.

Depending on previous days on the hike, we will have 5 - 20 kilometers left on the last day.


Our guide on this hike is Satu Latvala. Satu's introduction with her own words:

"I love the amazing nature in its all shapes, but my soul feels like home on the fells. The higher fells, the better.

I am addicted to hiking since out there you will forget all your daily worries and you are present to yourself with all your senses and thoughts surrounded by the nature.

We have variety of enchanting places in Finland, but especially the Käsivarsi wilderness area in northwest corner of Finland is definitely my favorite place. My heart belongs there - beautiful valleys and rugged fells and cliffs. I feel like being in home when I am hiking there.

I have been hiking on top of the all over the 1000 meter fells in the Käsivarsi wilderness area. Based on my own experiences on the area, the idea of this hike has been planned.

The most enchanting cliffs in Finland hike follows my own route which has all the places that I want to share with anyone loving the nature. The rugged scenery is always breathtaking - it doesn't matter how many times I have been there!


Do you have any questions? If yes, please fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also send us an email to or WhatsApp us in +358405900001.

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